Recommended professional and scientific literature

In Slovak, Czech and English

BABKA, Vladislav. 2023. Slovo ako nástroj v terapii. [Word as a Tool in Bibliotherapy] (in Slovak). Martin: OZ Podpora – KEEP, 2023. 148 s. ISBN 9788010042814

BADENBURGER, Bernd, PIRKL, Friedrich. 1994. Příběhy pomáhají s problémy. [Stories helps with problems] (Translated into Czech by Alžběta Sirovátková, 1994) Praha: Portál, 1994. 109 s. ISBN 80-85282-90-9

BETTELHEIM, Bruno. 1975, 1976. Za tajemstvím pohádek. [Behind the secret of fairy tales.] (Translated into Czech by Lucie Lucká 2000, 2016). Prague: Portal, 2017. 416 p. ISBN 9788026211723

CAPACCHIONE, Lucia. 2008. Tvořivý deník pro děti – společník pro rodiče, vychovatele a učitele. [A creative diary for children – a companion for parents, educators and teachers] Praha: Pragma, 2008. 134 s. ISBN 9788072059126

ČERNOUŠEK, Michal. 2019. Děti a svět pohádek. Kouzlo vyprávění. [Childrens and the world of fairytales. The magic of storytelling] Praha: Portál, 2019. 200 s. ISBN 97880262214342

ČÍKOVÁ, Oľga, ŠLEPECKÝ, Miloš, LEHOTSKÝ, Ján. 1985. Biblioterapia u neurotických pacientov. [Bibliotherapy in neurotic patients] XXV. Hádlik’s days in Ružomberok, June 1985. 

ESTÉS, Clarissa Pincola. 1992, 1995. Ženy, které běhaly s vlky. [Women who ran with the wolves]. (Translated into Czech by Hana Halamová-Catalano). Hodkovičky: Pragma, 2018. 442 p. ISBN 80-7205-648-4

FRANZ, Marie Louise von. 1986. Psychologický výklad pohádek. [Psychological interpretation of fairy tales.] (Translated into Czech by Kristina and Jan Černí 1998, 2011) Prague: Portál, 2015. 184 p. ISBN 978-80-262-0863-1

HOUSER, Pavel. 2002. Hry se slovy a jazykem. [Games with words and language] Praha: Portál, 2002. 152 s. ISBN 80-7178699-3

HOŠEK, Pavel. 2013. Kouzlo vyprávění. Proměňující moc příběhu a křest fantazie v pojetí C. S. Lewise. [The magic of storytelling. The transforming power of the story and the “christening of fantasy” in C.S. Lewis’s concept.] Prague: Homecoming. 128 p. ISBN 978-80-7255-293-1.

KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslavá, MAJZLANOVÁ Katarína. 2021. Terapeutický denník v biblioterapii. [Therapeutic journal in bibliotherapy.] pp. 28-51. In Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 02-2021 (008). Hlúčín-Bobrovníky: Tuculart Edition. Available online:

KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslava. 2022. Terapeutické listy v biblioterapii. [Therapeutic letters in bibliotherapy] pp. 68-82. In Problems of Education and Teaching in the Era of Digital Society. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 1-16. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. Available online:

KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslava. 2022. Svojpomocné knihy v biblioterapii. [Self-help books in bibliotherapy] pp. 95-110. In Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae no. 5/2022, Ružomberok: Catholic University, 2022. Available online:

KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslava, STURCZ, Attila, SOLÁROVÁ, Zlatica. 2022. Terapeutický potenciál Dostojevského poviedky Sen smiešneho človeka. [Therapeutic potential of Dostoyevsky’s short story The Dream of a Ridiculous Man] pp. 343-365. In Philologia. Journal of the Institute of Philological Studies of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava, volume 32, no. 2/2022, p. 392. ISSN 1339-2026 Available online:

KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslava. 2023. Demonštrácia niektorých terapeutických techník založených na vnímaní umeleckých jazykových prostriedkov na príklade rozprávky Záhada vianočného svetla. [Demonstration of some therapeutic techniques of the nature of artistic language means through the farirytale The mystery of Christmas lights] pp. 87-98. In Philologia. Journal of the Institute of Philological Studies of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava, volume 33, no. 1/2023, 142 p. ISSN 1339-2026 Available online:

KOVAČOVÁ, Barbora, VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2018. Biblioterapia v ranom a predškolskom veku. [Bibliotherapy in early and preschool age] Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2018. 160 p. ISBN 978-80-223-4487-6

KULKA, Jiří. 1990. Psychológia umenia – obecné základy. [Psychology of art – general basics] Prague: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství [State pedagogical publishing house], 1990. 435 p. ISBN 8004236944

MAJZLANOVÁ, Katarína. 2014. Poetoterapeutika. [Poetotherapeutics] Bratislava: Published at own cost. 106 p. ISBN 978-80-8153-035-7

MAJZLANOVÁ, Katarína. 2017. Základy biblioterapie pre knihovníkov. [Basics of bibliotherapy for librarians] Banská Bystrica: Banská Bystrica self-governing region, Ľudovít Štúr Regional Library. 56 p. ISBN 978-80-85136-58-6 Available online:

MAJZLANOVÁ, Katarína, KOTRBOVÁ, Kvetoslava. 2019. Význam príbehu v biblioterapii. [The meaning of the story in bibliotherapy], pp. 149-172 In Bukor, J., Szimon, Sz. et al.: Collection XI. International scientific conference of J. Sele University 2019, Language-Culture-Relations Section. J. Selye Komárno University, 2019. 244 p. ISBN: 978-80-8122-331-0. Available online:

MÜLLER, Else. 2010. Příběhy z měsíční houpačky – Autogénní trénink pro děti od 4 let. [Stories from the moon swing – autogenic training for children from 4 years of age] Praha: Portál, 2010. 112 s. ISBN 9798073676247

ORTNER, Gerlinde. 1988. Pohádky radí nejmenším. [Fairy tales advices to the little ones] (Translated into Czech by Alena Antonová 1995). Prague: Knižní klub, 1995. 128 p. ISBN 80-7176-243-1

ORTNER, Gerlinde. 1994. Pohádky radí školákúm. [Fairy tales advices to the school ones] (Translated into Czech by …). Prague: Knižní klub, 1999. 144 p. ISBN 80-7176-900-2

PARDECK, John T., PARDECK, Jean A.. 1994. Bibliotherapy. A Clinical Approach for Helping Children. 2nd ed. Yverdon: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A., Switzerland. 148 p. ISBN: 3-7186-5347-8

PARDECK, John T., PARDECK, Jean A. 1998. Children in Foster Care: A Guide to Bibliotherapy. 1st ed. Westport: Greenwood Press, USA 1998. 103 p. ISBN: 031330775X

PENNEBAKER, James W. 2013. Writing to Heal. A Guided Journal for Recovering from Trauma and Emotional Upheaval. 1st ed. Wheat Ridge: Center for Journal Therapy, Inc., 2013. 172 p. ISBN 978-0-578-12942-6

PESESCHKIAN, Nossrat. 1997. Příběhy jako klíč k dětské duši. [Stories as a key to the child’s soul] (Translated into Czech by Eva Bosáková 1998). Prague: Portal, 1999. 152 p. ISBN 80-7178-275-0

PESESCHKIAN, Nossrat. 1996. Kupec a papušek. [Buyer and parrot] Brno: Cesta, 1996. 128 s. ISBN 80-85319-60-8

PILARČÍKOVÁ-HÝBLOVÁ, Slávka. 1997. Biblioterapia. [Bibliotherapy] Liptovský Mikuláš: Published at own expense. 74 p. ISBN 80-967875-4-3

PROPP, Vladimír Jakovlevič. 2008. Morfologie pohádky a jiné studie. [Fairytale morphology and other studies] Jinočany: H&H, 2008. 400 s. ISBN 9788073190859

REMEŠ, Prokop, HALAMOVÁ, Alena. 2013. Nahá žena na štřeše. Biblia a psychotearapia. [Naked woman on the roof. The Bible and psychotherapy] Prague: Pompei, 216 p. ISBN 9788090558007

REDDEMANN, Luise. 2009. Léčivá síla imaginace. [Healing power of imagination] Praha: Portál, 2009. 216 s. ISBN 9788073675301

STEIN, Murray, CORBETT, Lionel. 2006. Příběhy duše I. II., III. (moderní jungiánsky výklad pohádek). [Stories of the soul I., II., III. (modern Jungian interpretation of fairy tales)] Praha: Emitos, 2006. 178 s. ISBN 9788090371521

STREIT, Jakob. 2013. Včelka Sluněnka – proč děti potřebujú pohádky. [Sunny Bee – why children need fairy tales] Hranice: Fabula, 2013. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-87635-09-4

SVOBODA, Pavel. 2007. Poetoterapia. [Poetry therapy] Olomouc: Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, 2007. 190 p. ISBN 978-80-244-1682-3

SVOBODA, Pavel. 2013. Biblioterapia. [BibliotherapyOlomouc: Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, 2013. 112 pages. ISBN 9-788024-436845

ULRYCHOVÁ, Irina, ŠVEJDOVÁ, Hana, GREGOROVÁ, Vlasta. 2000. Hrajeme si s pohádkami. [We play with fairy tales] Praha: Portál, 2000. 117 s. ISBN 9788071783558

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2015. Vývinová biblioterapia u detí predškolského a školského veku. [Developmental bibliotherapy for children of preschool and school age.] In Special pedagogical advice, Information bulletin XIX. Bratislava: Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, 2015, pp. 25 – 36. ISBN 978-80-89698-14-1

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2016. Vývinová biblioterapia u detí staršieho školského veku a adolescentov. [Developmental bibliotherapy in older school-age children and adolescents] In EXPRESSIVE THERAPIES IN HUMAN SCIENCES 2016: Biodromal aspect of therapeutic pedagogy/ Proceedings from the international scientific conference held on January 28, 2016 in Bratislava. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2016, pp. 16 – 25. ISBN 978-80-223-4148-6

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2019. Vývinová biblioterapia ako prostriedok prípravy na vývinové úlohy predškolského veku detí. [Developmental bibliotherapy as a tool of preparation for developmental tasks of preschool children] In HUDECOVÁ, A., KOVÁČOVÁ, B. Expresívne terapie vo vedách o človeku 2019. Ružomberok: Verbum, 2019, pp. 63-72. ISBN 978-80-561-0701-0

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2021a. Možnosti biblioterapie pri prevencii šikanovania na základnej škole. [Possibilities of bibliotherapy in the prevention of bullying in elementary school] In Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae, no. 3, June 2021, year 50. Ružomberok: Catholic University. ISSN 1336-2232 Available online:

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2021b. Možnosti využitia expresívnych terapií v oblasti emocionality a emócií. [Possibilities of using expressive therapies in the field of emotionality and emotions] In Pelcová, N., Květoňová, L. et al. Emotionality in education through the prism of philosophical, psychological and special pedagogical reflection. Inclusive school. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Education, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7603-242-2  Available online: -specialnepedagogicke-reflexe/4589484/#/getSimilarTitles=descriptors-eq:12083-amp:key-eq:4589484

VALEŠOVÁ MALECOVÁ, Barbara. 2023. Rozvoj emocionálnej kompetencie ako predpoklad budovania inkluzívneho povedomia. [Development of Emotional Competence as a Prerequsite for Building Inclusive Awareness] In Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Univesitas Catholica Ružomberok, [online]. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2023, 52 (2), s. 36-47. ISSN 1336-2232. Available on:

In Hungarian

BÉRES, Judit-Élet. 2022. A sorok között – Irodalomterápiás gyakorlatok mindenkinek. [Between the lines – Bibliotherapy excercises for everyone] Budapest: Libri Könyvkiadó Kft. 270 pages. ISBN 9789634339854

BÉRES, Judit-Azért. 2017. Olvasok, hogy éljek – Az olvasásnépszerűsítéstől az irodalomterápiáig. [I read to live – From the popularization of reading to bibliotherapy.] Budapest: Kronosz Kiadó.  292 pages. ISBN 9786155497957

JAKOBOVITS, Kitti. 2021. Irodalomterápia – A könyvespolcod pszichológusszemmel. [Bibliotherapy – Your bookshelf through the eyes of psychologist] Budapest: Kulcslyuk Kiadó.  346 pages. ISBN 9786155932595

BOLDIZSÁR, Ildikó. 215. Meseterápia – Mesék a gyógyításban és a mindennapokban. [Fairy Tale Therapy – Fairy tales in treatment and in everyday life.] Budapest: Magvető Kiadó.  368 pages. ISBN 9789631428933

Last update October 7th 2023.

Recommended citation procedure:

Recommended professional and scientific literature. In Kotrbová, K. et al: Bratislava: PRO SKIZP – Association to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, 2023.  ISBN 978-80-974667-0-1 Available on:

The contribution was created thanks to support from the European Union Erasmus+ program, Key action 2 – Cooperation between organizations and institutions, KA210 – Small partnerships for cooperation in the field of education and training. Project name “Prototype of online study tool for bibliotherapy”, project number 2022-1-SK01-KA210-VET-000082483. It represents the opinion of the author and the European Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein.