
Project coordinator

PRO SKIZPAssociation to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, cso Bratislava (Slovakia) is a subsidiary organization of the Slovak Chamber of Other Healthcare Workers, which was established in 2016. Its main activity is the implementation of activities that develop the Chamber’s activities and support the fulfillment of its tasks, such as supporting the development of individual healthcare professions in the Chamber of Associations (clinical physicists, laboratory diagnostics/ including part of public health workers, clinical speech therapists, therapeutic pedagogues) through research, development, introduction of innovations, creation of professional studies, professional recommendations and procedures as well as implementation and support of quality professional education. The full scope of the association’s activities is available online on the chamber’s website The role of the partner will be to ensure project and professional activities during the entire project period and coordinate the activities of other partners.

Contact person of the organization:

PhDr. Kvetoslava Kotrbová, PhD., MPH – president of PRO SKIZP, cso and SKIZP vice-president for legislation and innovations, head of the SKIZP curative education section and teacher of the study subject bibliotherapy at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Comenius University in Bratislava

Main project partner

Vejrostovi – psychologie, Ltd.  Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (The Czech Republic) is a non-state health facility that was established in 1993 and provides outpatient health care in the fields of clinical psychology and psychotherapy for children from a very young age, adolescents and adults, including the older age of 65+. Care is provided to individuals, couples and families. Following the psychological diagnosis, clinical counseling, rehabilitation and psychotherapy are provided to patients and their families who come with a whole spectrum of psychological difficulties that may be related to the development of mental and somatic diseases. Early intervention contributes to better relativity and adaptation to the ongoing burden/problem/difficult life situation of the patients. As part of it, work with a story, myth or fairy tale has been used in the facility for a long time. The role of the partner will be to contribute to the creation of professional content through his own authorship and mediating activities (mediating other authors from the Czech Republic).

Contact person of the organization:

PhDr. Petr Vejrosta – clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, executive director of the organization

Associate partners

The Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physicists, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues in Bratislava (SKIZP – Slovakia) exists on the basis of Act No. 578/2004 Coll. as a state-level organization in the health sector, which is the successor organization of the Slovak Chamber of University-Educated Health Professionals established in 1992. It registers health professionals in the health professions of clinical physicist, laboratory diagnostician (including part of the profession of public health), clinical speech therapist and therapeutic pedagogues and ensures the fulfillment of the tasks arising her in relation to these health professions directly from the cited law. Among these tasks are the protection of the rights and professional interests of health workers in the 

mentioned professions, consulting in connection with their performance, issuing licenses, maintaining registers, evaluating continuing education at regular 5-year intervals, representing and participating in the creation of legal regulations and other similar documents of a national nature related to with the performance of these, issuing ethical opinions and providing education, magazines and publications to support the activities of these professions.

Contact person of the organization:

RNDr. Monika Trechová, MPH – president of SKIZP

Pest Megyei Pedagógiai Szakszolgálat Budakeszi Tagintézménye Budaörs, Republic of Hungary is a member organization of the pedagogical service in the Pest County, whose role is to provide educational and developmental counseling, including speech therapy care, talent management and management of kindergarten-school cooperation during the child’s transition to the school environment, as well as counseling when choosing a profession for children finishing compulsory schooling, group consultations for parents and further education for teachers working in kindergartens and primary schools in the given territory.

PMPSBT contact person for the project:

Attila Sturcz – school speech therapist, teacher of Hungarian language and literature, dubbing actor and musician

Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) – is a university-type higher education and scientific research institution with a pan-Slovak scope, which was established in 1919. It was the first university in Slovakia that provided the opportunity to obtain higher education in the Slovak language. It has 13 faculties and more than 20 other facilities. Those interested in studying can choose from 790 university study programs every year, which also includes curative education study program provided in all 3 degrees (B.C., M.Sc., PhD.) of university studies. This study program also includes 168 hours of theoretical and practical bibliotherapy. After the rehabilitation of the Department of Therapeutic Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University after 1989, bibliotherapy as an subject of study in therapeutic education study program was developed in therms of content from the first half of the 1990s, following on the training of therapeutic pedagogues in the 1970s. The first pedagogical documents, lectures and seminars for this study subject of bibliotherapy were prepared by doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, CSc., who today is dominantly devoted to drama therapy and is also an expert consultant for this project.

Contact person for the University of Bratislava in Bratislava:

PhDr. Kvetoslava Kotrbová, PhD., MPH – university pedagogue teaching the study subject bibliotherapy at the University of Bratislava

Charles University in Prague (The Czech Republic) – university-type higher education institution and scientific research institution with all-Czech scope, which was founded in 1348 and is one of the oldest European universities. It has 17 faculties and about 20 other facilities. Those interested in studying can choose from 830 university study programs each year, and even if the curative education study program is not yet on offer, bibliotherapy is (to a narrower extent than at the Comenius University in Bratislava) taught as part of special pedagogy study programs. The teacher is Mgr. Barbara Valešová Malecová, PhD., who is a graduate of curative education at the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Contact person for the Charles University in Prague:

Mgr. Barbara Valešová Malecová, PhD., – university teacher, teaching the bibliotherapy course at the University of Prague.

Last updated March 13th, 2023.