Recommended procedure for pedagogical work for bibliotherapy purposes Domdo-domdo-domdodom

Author: Attila Sturcz, Kvetoslava Kotrbová


Author: Lázár Ervin Dömdö-dömdö-dömdödöm from the book A Négyszögletű Kerek erdő
Year of publication: 2023
Hungarian version of the text:
English version: The Square Around Forest, Translated by Andrew C. Rouse, Budapest: Publisher: Móra Könyvkiadó, 12.04.2021. EAN: 9789634155416
Slovak version: Sedemhlavá víla, Bratislava: Mladé letá, 1987,124 p., Translated into Slovak by: Mila Haugová, available on:  




Availability of the video recording of the stage version
created by © Sturcz Attila, 2022-06-13, PMPSZ Budakeszi Member Institution
– example of pedagogical work:


Pedagogical/therapeutic goals: recognition of conflict situations and their possible solution; acceptance of others and ourselves; evaluating our own and others’ successes
Primary age group: 8-12 years old
Secondary target group: older children
Form of work: group

Brief content of the masterpiece:

The animals of the forest organize a poetry competition. Mikkamakka is the jury in one person. From different funny solutions, it turns out that none of them can come up with a perfect poem, yet they all consider themselves the most suitable for the first prize… They get into smaller or bigger conflicts because of this. In the end, they jointly decide that Dömdödom will win the competition, who can only say this much, with infinite love in his voice: “Dömdödöm, dömdödöm, dömdöd dömdö, dömdödöm.”


Draft occupation (describtion of pedagogical/therapeutical work): 

– Objective: Today we will talk about resolving disagreements and accepting each other.

  1. Viewing the dramatized version of the work performed by the Clown Theater of Miklós Zichy Primary School in Zsámbék (approx. 12 minutes)
  1. Problem statement:
  1. a) What did you like about this story?
  2. b) What conflicts have you gotten into with your peers, parents, and siblings that could have been avoided? How did your story end?
  1. Which character can you imagine yourself in from the scene you saw? Why? And the one you can’t identify with, why not?
  1. What rules do you consider important in a real competition?
  1. Do you usually rejoice at the successes of your peers? Why is it important not only to be happy with our own results?
  1. Write a short letter (consisting of 4-5 sentences) to one of your classmates or friends, in which you congratulate him on some nice achievement!

(Reading the letters…)

  1. Without names, describe your three most important good qualities. (By mixing up the slips, everyone reads one out, based on which we try to figure out who it is…)
  1. Final round: Say one quality you like in your best friend/girlfriend!


Description of the recommender’s experience in relation to this work: 

As a former literature teacher, I often had my students dramatize a given literary work. For enterprising children, this was always a positive experience. At the same time, the dramatized reading and the stage play revealed a lot about the child playing (e.g: about his relationship with himself and others, his temperament, his ability to create relationships, etc.).

During the production of the play, it became clear to me how important it is for children to be confronted with the humor carried by fairy tales as an aesthetic value. It was an intense experience for all of us to experience the process of the development of our cooperation, the concentrated attention to each other, the mutual construction from each other’s stage play.

I also consider it a very important experience that children understand the text better if they can act out the roles, shaping the characters with deep experience. During the selection of the play, I tried to find a work in which there are no main or secondary characters in the classical sense, so that the burdens of the actors are relatively evenly distributed, yet each character has the opportunity to fulfill himself. In bibliotherapy sessions, I also recommend a dramatized reading, or even a stage presentation of a short scene, in a group of children of the appropriate age and number.


It follows theoretical note from Kvetka for better understanding of the overlap between bibliotherapy and dramatherapy and recommended way of therapeutic-pedagogical work: The dramatization of a literary piece allows child (as well as adult) to transfer into reality – means to have active live experience – with the preconceptions that he manipulates in his imagination during  bibliotherapy. It could be said that bibliotherapy is like „process of preparing on action”. Therefore it is extremely important which text is selected and presented to the child and with which one works afterwards.

Thanks to dramatization the child can have experience with the solutions created during the bibliotherapy or simply thanks to imagination. As if still in the safety of discovering the situation acting situation like a probe/playing, but already in reality – trying out live what he had only dreamed about until then and actually starting to realize it and live it. Therefore it is also important what is selected and provided as an experience.

The experience mediated by dramatherapy should actually be the training of new skills that are uplifting and beneficial for life (for adults it is often a matter of rediscovering and „trying out” old ones – unused or suppresssed competencies for some reason – in new conditions). In the environment of freedom of „playing only” within dramatherapy can become available and, if necessary, actively used in everyday life. In interaction with others, a child (as well as adult) within the framework of dramatherapy can further refine and change the created competencies in wonderful experience of joint creation of a stage work, as Attila described from his own experience, making this competencies a living active substance – not a rigid rule – exactly the way, like it is necessary to make them available in everyday life.


Used literary sources:
Lázár Ervin. 1985. Dömdö-dömdö-dömdödöm. pp…. . In Lázár Ervin: A Négyszögletű Kerek erdő [The Square Round Forest]. Budapest: Móra Kiadó, 2023. … p. ISBN 9789634156154
Lázár Ervin. 1985. The Square Around Forest. (Translated into Enghlish by Andrew C. Rouse) Budapest: Publisher: Móra Könyvkiadó, 2021. …. p. EAN: 9789634155416
Sturcz, Attila. 2020. “Tessék mondani, szabad itt improvizálni?” – Beszámoló egy mesterpedagógus tervről és az első év tapasztalatairól. pp.73-92.  [„Say me, is it possible to improvize here?“ – The report from the plan of the main teacher and experiences from the  first class.] In FEJLESZTŐ PEDAGÓGIA (Pedagógiai szakfolyóirat) [Develompental Pedagogy (Pedagogický časopis)] 31. volume/évfolyam,  2020/1-3. HU ISSN 0866-2495


The recommended procedure to a literary work was prepared according to the mentioned literary source by:

Attila Sturcz, Workplace: PMPSZ Budakeszi Member Institution, 03/19/2023
Kvetoslava Kotrbová, Department of Therapeutic Pedagogy, Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava, 05/07/2023


It has not undergone language editing!


Recommended citation procedure:

Sturcz, Attila – Kotrbová, Kvetoslava. 2023. Recommended professional procedure for pedagogical/therapeutical work for bibliotherapy with the literary piece Lázár Ervin Dömdö-dömdö-dömdödöm. In Kotrbová, K. et al: Bratislava: PRO SKIZP – Association to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, 2023.  ISBN 978-80-974667-0-1 Available on:


This article was produced with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, Key Activity 2 – Cooperation between organizations and institutions, KA210 – Small-scale partnerships in the field of vocational education and training. Project title “Prototype of bibliotherapy online learning tool”, project number: 2022-1-SK01-KA210-VET-000082483. It represents the opinion of the author only and the European Commission or author cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information contained therein.

Additional information


Author: Lázár Ervin Dömdö-dömdö-dömdödöm
from the publication A Négyszögletű Kerek erdő
Year of publication: 2023
Publisher: Móra Kiadó Budapest
ISBN: 9789634156154
Genre: short tale story

Hungarian version of the text:
English version: The Square Around Forest, Translated by Andrew C. Rouse, Budapest: Publisher: Móra Könyvkiadó, 12.04.2021. EAN: 9789634155416 Available on:
Slovak version: Sedemhlavá víla, Bratislava: Mladé letá, 1987,124 p., Translated into Slovak by: Mila Haugová, available on:  

Availability of the video recording of the stage version
created by © Sturcz Attila, 2022-06-13, PMPSZ Budakeszi Member Institution
– example of pedagogical work: