Reccomended procedure to literary work Anger is a bit like Armour

Author: Anna Kürthy

Author of the recommended piece: Shona Innes
Illustrator: Agócs Írisz
Year of publication:  2020
English version (last download jan. 05. 2023)


Category: Tag:


Therapeutic goals: to help deal with emotive issues, anger management
Age group: 4-7 years
Secondary target group: older children and adults too
Form of the work: individual and group


Brief content:

Anger is a bit like Armour is about anger management. It tells that anger is like an armour, what can protect us from the bad things in life. It shows that anger is a powerful thing that brings us lots of energy and shows what we can do with it. Anger tells us when something is wrong, or bad, or when we have a problem with something or somebody. People use anger as an armour when they want to protect themselves from getting hurt.


Description of the possibilities of professional pedagogical/therapeutic work:

With this book we can speak about that how anger can protect us, how warning us that there is trouble, but also we can speak about how to fix it, and how can work out a good way to solve the problem.

In a pedagogical/therapeutic work it helps to share and discuss feelings with children and the book share examples of positive thinking too what children can apply to everyday situations.

We can read aloud this to children and start a conversation about their feelings.

Helpful questions after reading

  1. How do you feel right now?
  2. Which part of the book was the most memorable and why?
  3. Have you ever been angry with someone or something?
  4. Why do you used to be angry?

Complementary methods

  1. Drawing their armours

Let children draw their own armour. How does it look like? What is it made of? What does your armour protect you against?

  1. Anger thermometer

Let children draw a thermometer what shows their feelings when they are angry. Write down what it’s like when they are less angry, for example they just roll their eyes. Above it, when they get angrier, they start speak loudly. Above it, they shout, above it, they fight..etc. The anger thermometer can show them how many colors anger has.

  1. Drawing their angers

Let children draw their body and write, draw down where they feel their anger. In their stomach? In their head? If they know where it is, how it looks like, how it feels, it can help manage their anger.


Description of the recommender’s experience from his own work with this work:

Once I read this book to a first-grade boy at school. He had temper management problems, was aggressive, and was often angry at the whole world. We didn’t draw, we just talked the whole time. At the end of the session, he indicated that he didn’t even know that other people felt the same way, and that we should talk about it again next time. The book helped open up this boy.


The card of the recommended work according to the mentioned literary source was created by:
Kürthy Anna, Workplace: Zichy Miklós Primary School in Zsámbék
Date last updated: 2023. 01. 05.


Recommended citation procedure:

Kürthy Anna. 2023. Recommended professional procedure to the work with literary masterpiece of Shona Innes Anger is a bit like Armour. In Kotrbová, K. et al: Bratislava: PRO SKIZP – Association to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, 2023.  ISBN 978-80-974667-0-1 Available on:


This article was created thanks to the support of the the program of the European Union Erasmus+, Key action 2 – Cooperation among organizations and institutions, KA210 – Small-scale partnerships for cooperation in the field of vocational education and training. Project title „Prototype of the on-line study tool for bibliotherapy”, project number 2022-1-SK01-KA210-VET-000082483. It represents the opinion of the author only and European Commission is not responsible for any use of the informations contained therein.

Additional information


Anger is a bit like Armour
Author: Shona Innes
Illustrator: Agócs Írisz
Year of publication: (December 1, 2020)
Edition order: 1
Publisher: Little Hare Books
Total number of pages: 32
ISBN ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1760507657
Literary genre: Tale

Used literary source
English version (last download jan. 05. 2023)
Slovak version
Hungarian version