Recommended procedure to Lotilko´s wings

Author: Anna Kürthy 


Tungusic folktale, used literary source: (English version) Last download Dec 9th 2022), corrected English version created by (c) Attila Sturcz, 2022
Hungarian version;  Hungarian audioversion (c) Attila Sturcz, 2022
English version; English audiorecord created by (c) Attila Sturcz, 2022 
Slovak version; Slovak audiorecord (c) Kvetoslava Kotrbová, 2024


Therapeutic goals: develop and find inner resources to cope with hard situations, promoting self-confidence, overcoming obstacles, self-help
Age group: 4-18
Secondary target group: adults who want to support their self-confidence and develop their coping mechanisms
Form of work: individual, group


Brief content of the masterpiece:
The story is about a human named Lotilko who has wings. Lotilko meets a bad person, Teventei, who stole his wings. Lotilko has to find a way to create new wings because this is the only way he can get home. After long struggle he realize that he is the only one who can help himself.


Description of the possibilities of professional pedagogical/therapeutic work:

Lotilko’s wings recommended for people who want to know their inner resources so that they can become the hero of their own story. It can be use in indivudal and group form too. The theme of flying itself wakes up imagination and helps to find out how can we fly higher in life and reach everything what we want to. 

Self-awereness questions which can be used in therapeutic work (also with children and adults):

Imagine that you too have wings with which you can fly anywhere!

  1. What would the wing look like?
  2. What would you make it out of?
  3. Where and how would you get parts, pieces for it?
  4. Would someone help to make it?
  5. If you could fly anywhere, where would you most like to go?
  6. Would someone accompany you, or would you rather go alone?


These questions help to focus our inner resources. But beside the theoretical questions we can also do some practical work. For example:

  1. Ask the participants to draw their own wings and talk about that. 
  2. Ask the participants to look around in the room and make a wing from anything what they find.
  3. But also you can prepare with paper, glue, paint, plasticine, scissors etc. to make wings.


Description of the recommender’s experience from his own work with this work:

I used this work a lot of time, because in my opinion it can be use in a lot of way.

For example I used it with children with special education needs. They were 10-12 years old. The goal was improve the scope and durability of attention, developing communication skills, strengthening self-confidence, problem solving, and deepening self-awareness. The folktale fired their imaginations.

For example one of the children, who had a hard, unsettled family situation drew a military wing with weapons and said that this wing can protect him and can save his life. This wing can fly him anywhere from home.

An other example when the boy, who had really big problems with learning, and studying said that preferably he would liket to fly away from school to somewhere where he can be in peace, he would like to got the nature.

Based on my experiences this work really helps to mobilize inner resources and also deep desires. It can help recognize them, talk about them and reach them.

The possibility to consult the indications and contraindications of the work, specific procedures and experiences before, during and after using the work with the author of the recommendation: not specified


The card of the recommended work according to the mentioned literary source was created by:
Kürthy Anna, Workplace: Zichy Miklós Primary School in Zsámbék, Date last updated: Dec 9th 2022


Recommended citation procedure:

Kürthy Anna. 2022. Recommended professional procedure to the work with literary masterpiece Tungusic folktale Lotilko´s wings. In Kotrbová, K. et al: Bratislava: PRO SKIZP – Association to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, 2023.  ISBN 978-80-974667-0-1 Available on:


This article was created thanks to the support of the the program of the European Union Erasmus+, Key action 2 – Cooperation among organizations and institutions, KA210 – Small-scale partnerships for cooperation in the field of vocational education and training. Project title „Prototype of the on-line study tool for bibliotherapy”, project number 2022-1-SK01-KA210-VET-000082483. It represents the opinion of the author only and European Commission or author is not responsible for any use of the informations contained therein.